
You'll know the folder is selected when it's highlighted, as shown below. • From the File menu, select Make Alias, as shown below. • The alias appears, as shown below. You know it's an alias because it has a little arrow on its icon. Now you can now rename the shortcut and drag it anywhere you want. Go ahead, try it! Just remember that when you open the alias, you'll actually be in the original folder.


For older models, check out buyer's guides from Mac Rumors and similar sites. If you're new to Macs, visit a physical Apple Store for personal assistance. Just don't be tempted to buy on the spot — there are better deals. Apple tends to release new computer models every six months or less. I don't need AppleCare, as I bought my mac through student discount so I already have a 3 year warranty. - You can purchase AppleCare with the discount applied in the first 12 months. - You need to purchase AppleCare WITH the MacBook in order to get the discount. Please could someone clear this up for me?


If you already have Photoshop on your system, then you can follow these steps to resize your photos for Facebook cover or profile pictures: • Click on the Crop tool. • Use the controls at the edges of the cropping border to freely resize your image, or type a specific size in the top bar.