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You can add an animated GIF to a PowerPoint slide as you would with any other picture file. Get flash player for windows 8. You can insert a GIF file that is stored on your computer hard disk or in cloud storage (such as OneDrive). Select the slide that you want to add the animated GIF to. The fastest way to add a section, or group slides in PowerPoint, is to right-click the slide in the thumbnail view on the left that you want your section to start at, and from the right-click menu select Add Section.

Figure 5:Selected Pattern name displayed • Click on the pattern of your choice, you will see a Live Preview of the pattern applied to the selected shape on the slide. Each pattern comprises two colors, the Foreground color (black by default) and the Background color (white by default). You can also change these colors, click the Foreground and Background color buttons shown in Figure 6. Skype for business download. Figure 6: Foreground and Background color buttons • When you click any of these buttons, a drop-down gallery of color options is displayed, as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Color drop-down gallery Let us explore the options within this galley one by one: A. Theme Colors: Here you can select any of the colors in the active Theme of the presentation.

How To Add A Slide In Powerpoint For Mac When There Is A Presentation Already On Itunes

You can also select any of the 5 tints or shades for any Theme color. Standard Colors: Here you can choose from any of the ten standard colors, these ten standard colors are just choices of colors that PowerPoint believes to be widely used. You don't have to limit yourself to either the Theme colors or Standard colors, as we'll show you in the next options, although it's a good design idea to use Theme colors as far as possible. Recent Colors: Here you can find the colors most recently used. If you have just launched PowerPoint and created a new presentation, the Recent Colors option may be entirely absent since you haven't selected any color recently! More Colors: This option is to summon the Mac OS X Color picker as shown in Figure 8.

• Select the file, and then click Insert or Open. • To play the animation, select the Slide Show tab on the ribbon, and then, in the Start Slide Show group, select From Current Slide. Find animated GIFs on the web You can also search the web for GIFs by using Insert Online Pictures or Insert Clip Art, depending on your version of PowerPoint. On the Insert tab of the ribbon, choose Insert Online Pictures or Insert Clip Art. Type 'animated gif' in the search box. Determine how many times the animation loops Animated GIFs often loop repeatedly without end. But you can change that by editing the GIF before you add it to your PowerPoint slide.

How to add a slide in powerpoint for mac when there is a presentation already on it youtube

If your job requires you to make a lot of Powerpoint presentations about similar topics, then you have probably already created a slideshow or single slide that might be useful in other presentations. But recreating that slide, particularly if it contained a lot of different elements, can be a bit of a hassle. Powerpoint 2010 includes a tool that will allow you to insert slides from another presentation into a Powerpoint 2010 slideshow.