If you accessed the file two days ago, use this instead: find / -time -2. This will display all files accessed during the past two days in the location of the search. I think the above covers most of the usual use case scenarios. For more info about the powerful “find” command, open a terminal and type “man find”. The first method is operating system agnostic, meaning you’ll be able to use the search function with Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, and many other unix variations, whereas the second trick for searching utilizes a Mac-only model of finding files from the command line.
This wikiHow teaches you how to open the Terminal (command prompt) application in macOS using Launchpad, Spotlight, or Finder. Terminal gives you access to the Unix part of macOS so you can manage files, edit settings, and run scripts using text commands. When you first launch Terminal, you're starting in the current working directory of /Users/myusername/ (also known as your User folder). How to display and move between files in Terminal. To actually put all this path knowledge to use, you'll need the Terminal commands for displaying and changing files.
Try this command, which will find phone numbers in the 555-1234 format: grep [0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] phonebook.txt. Each of the [0-9] wild cards matches any character in the range specified in brackets. You can use ranges such as [1-3] to limit your search to specific strings.
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Operating systems typically have some form of file-hiding functionality built in, and macOS is no exception. Many files or folders are hidden all across the Mac's file system, with the main goal of preventing curious users from mistakenly deleting an important folder or changing a critical file that could cause major problems to macOS. Not everything hidden by macOS is that hazardous, as apps are also using the feature to help preserve a user's work.
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For example, a plus character (+) tells the program to match one or more instances of whatever immediately precedes it, while parentheses serve to treat whatever is contained as a unit. Thus, 'ha+' matches 'ha', but it also matches 'haa' and 'haaaaaaaaaaa', but not 'hahaha'. Starcraft 2 release date. If you want to match the word 'ha', you can use '(ha)+' to match one or more instances of it, such as 'hahaha' and 'hahahahahahahahaha'. Using a vertical bar allows alternate matching, so '(ha ho)+' matches 'hohoho', 'hahaha', and 'hahohahohohohaha'. There are many of these metacharacters to keep in mind. Inside brackets ([]), a carat (^) means that you don't want to match whatever follows inside the brackets.